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- Verbos:
- Adverbio:
- Adjetivo:
- Artículo:
- Preposiciones:
- Conjunción:
- Cognados Verdaderos:
- Falsos cognados:
- Sufijo• Prefijos
- idea principal
El texto utilizado: Risk factors associated with hemoglobin levels and nutritional
status among Brazilian children attending daycare centers in Sao Paulo city, Brazil
Summary : Like many other developing countries, Brazil has beengoing a nutritional transition which presence both malnutrition and overweight. Stunting and overweight are the major public health problems in Brazilian children. The objective of this study was to document the prevalence of stunting, overweight and anemia in preschool children and examine if those nutritional problems are related; also ntify if these nutritional problems have the same risk factors. Data
from the “Efficient Daycare Center Project” which include 270 children attending nurseries of eight daycare centers in Sao Paulo city, Brazil were used for this study. Data on height and weight were converted to z-scores using WHO anthro software. Hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations were determined on finger-prick blood samples. The co-occurrence of stunting, overweight and anemia was investigated by contingency tables a log-linear model. Univariate and multiple regression analyses were performed to estimate the association of HAZ, WAZ, WHZ and Hb levels with their risk factors. The results showed high prevalence of overweight (22.2%), risk of stunting (22.6%) and anemia (37%). Percent of daycare attendance, age, number of siblings under 5 years old and per capita income are associated with Hb levels. This study provides evidence that Brazil is going through a nutritional transition and suggest that the adoption of
public policies to expand and improve services in daycare centers may help to prevent multi-nutritional problems in preschool children.
A nutritional transition has been observed in developing countries that are experiencing rapid and intense changes in economic growth and demographic structure. In the past decades, conditions favoring the occurrence of nutritional deficiencies gradually gave way to an epidemic of obesity and chronic diseases related to excessive and unbalanced food consumption and inadequate physical activities (1-4). This pattern affects all populations, particularly children. Globally,childhood malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies reduces Both under- and over-nutrition have adverse consequencesin young children. Obesity is associated with a variety of health problems including diabetes mellitus type 2, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, asthma, sleep apnea, early malnutrition, lower self-esteem and psychological problems. Stunting is related to cognitive deficits and other development problems (2,15). Children with anemia in infancy are at risk for long-lasting developmental disadvantages such as retarded psychomotor development and impaired cognitive function (11,16-20). The number of children in collective out-of-home day care has increased significantly all over the world (6,21). Since 1970, the number of day care centers in Brazil has increased considerably. In the state of São Paulo the level of teaching at
daycare centers was the most growing one over the last years. Recently, we have conducted a project “Efficient Daycare Center Project - Impact of Training Educators from Public/ hilanthropic Daycare Centers on Hygienic-Dietetic Practices and on Health/Nutrition of Infants”(22). One of the objectives of this project is to identify the risk factors for nutritional problems and propose effective actions to improve nutritional status for children in these institutions. The current study is a part of this project with two objectives: 1) to document the
prevalence of stunting, overweight and anemia in preschool children and examine if those nutritional problems are related and 2) to identify risk factors for these nutritional problems.
Fuente :
Palabras desconocidas:´
Factors:{faekta}S.factor,elemento;agente;V.descomponer en factores ( palabra de contenido)
Transition:{traenzfsan}S.transicion ; paso( palabra de contenido)
Health:{he1o}S.salud; sanidad, salubridad( palabra de contenido)
Abreviaciones:{faekta},{traenzfsan},{he1o}: pronunciación
V.: verbo
el resto se refiere a la traduccion y sinonimos.
Categorías lexicales:
Verbos: examine/showed
Adverbio: gradually/particularly
Artículo: the,a,an
Preposiciones: in/to
Conjunción: and/
Cognados Verdaderos:nutritional/malnutrition
Falsos cognados:health/also
Prefijos: preschool/overweiht
Sustantivo: document/anemia
Idea principal del texto en español: Factores de riesgo asociados al nivel de hemoglobina
y estado nutricional de niños que asisten a Jardines de la Infancia en el Municipio de Sao Paulo, Brasil.
Resumen : el articulo habla de que como otros países en desarrollo Brazil esta pasando por una transicion en lo que concierne a la nutrición, presentándose problemas de desnutrición y sobrepeso; por lo que el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la prevalencia de la talla baja, sobrepeso y la anemia nutritional , así como también analizar si los mismo están relacionados entre si y presentan los mismo factores de riesgo.
por otra parte se quiso mostrar la prevalencia de baja estatura , sobrepeso y anemia en niños en edad preescolar. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron evidenciar una elevada prevalencia de sobrepeso (22.2 %), riesgo para baja estatura (22.%) y anemia (37 %). El porcentaje de frecuencia a los jardines infantiles, edad, número de hermanos menores de 5 años y renta per cápita están asociados con los niveles de hemoglobina. Este estudio muestra evidencia de que el Brasil esta pasando por una transición nutricional y sugiere adopción de políticas públicas para difundir y mejorar los servicios de los jardines infantiles pudiendo ayudar a prevenir varios problemas nutricionales en niños en edad preescolar.
Unidad 2:
Estructura de la oración:
- Selecciona 2 oraciones e indica:
- Frase nominal.pre y post modificador y núcleo
- Frase verbal, núcleo
- tiempo verbal
- pronombre demostrativo
- conectores
- Frase nominal:: The results
1.Nucleo de la frase nominal: results - Pre modificadores:: The
- Post modificadores
Frase verbal: showed high prevalence of overweigh trisk of stunting (22.6%) and anemia (37%) . - .Nucleo de la frase verbal: showed 2.
- Tiempo verbal: pasado
- Frase nominal: A nutritional transition
Núcleo de la frase nominal:transition
Pre modificadores: A nutritional
Post modificadores:
Frase verbal:has been observed in developing countries that are experiencing rapid and intense changes in economic growth and demographic structure.
Núcleo de la frase verbal: has been observed
Tiempo verbal: presente perfecto continuo
otro verbo: developing : futuro 3 :
Printable ‘Lucky’ Nutrition Activities for Kids- St Patrick’s Day reminds us that Lucky Green starts with Healthy GreensIt is almost St Patrick’s Day and that means put your lucky “Green On”.
Holidays are a fun way to incorporate nutrition and healthy eating habits! St Patrick’s Day is certainly no exception. We have created some very cute and positive nutrition messaging for St Patrick’s Day.
Have the kids learn about nutrition with our “The Lucky Food Pyramid” in which each food group tells you how they bring you luck. For a fun coloring activity to promote positive nutrition- print the ‘Find and Color’ Lucky Green Vegetables page. Celebrate the luck of St Patrick’s Day and eating healthy with nutrition bookmarks, coloring pages, word scramble puzzles, mazes and more.
Lucky green means lucky green fruits and vegetables!
Oh and the pot at the end of the rainbow. Yup, it is full of healthy foods from the food pyramid! And lots more healthy nutrition fun- over 7 Lucky St Patrick’s Day printable activity pages for kids.
Check out our free St Patrick’s Day Nutrition Activities and Coloring Pages and promote nutrition in a fun way!
Cuál cree ustedque es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
un texto sobre una manera divertida de estimular la adecuada alimentacion en los niños en dias festivos atraves de mensajes coloridos en especial el verde como de la suerte,asi como representante de vegetales y frutas.
2.- ¿ Cuál es la idea general del texto?
La lectura trata de una forma de mostrar en el dia de san patricio a los niños una forma divertida de incorporar la nutrición y hábitos alimenticios saludables! por medio de mensajeria con marcadores de nutrición, dibujos para colorear, rompecabezas revueltos, laberintos , asi como tambien promober el color verde de la frutas y verduras como color de la suerte .
3.- ¿Qué palabras se repiten?
nutrition,StPatrick’sDay,positive,Lucky,Green,eating,healthy, with,means,Vegetables,page.pyramid,food ,activity,kids,coloring .
4.- ¿Qué palabras se parecen al español?
5.- Cuáles son las palabras en negrita, el título, subtítulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
El título: Printable ‘Lucky’ Nutrition Activities for Kids- St Patrick’s Day reminds us that Lucky Green starts with Healthy Greens
El subtítulo: It is almost St Patrick’s Day and that means put your lucky “Green On”.
Los Gráficos: la fotografia donde se observan duende como la suerte , frytas y verduras y un cocinero.
6.- ¿De qué trata el texto?. Lee el primer párrafo y el último o las últimas ideas del párrafo.
Al inicio habla sobre sobre como en epocas como vacaciones y dia festivos como el de san patricion puede ser una manera divertida de conocre acerca de la alimentacion o nutricion por medio de mensajes coloreadosy positivos sobre el tema.
Por lo tanto el articulo se trata de mostrar una manera como estimular a los niños en el tema de la nutricion atraves de informacion espresada en mensajes positivos y coloreados relacionados con el tema, asi como la implementacion del color verde como el de la suerte para este dia festivo y A su vez como el color caracteristico de las frytas y vegetales.
Homework: Tecnicas de lectura (SKIMMING).
Seleccione un texto y escribe 4 preguntas putuales sobre fechas, sitios, etc; utiliza una biografía referente a algún autor de tu área de experticia)
Biography de philli cotler:
Philip Kotler (born 27 May 1931 in Chicago) is the S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
He received his master's degree at the University of Chicago and his PhD at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, both in economics. He did postdoctoral work in mathematics at Harvard University and in behavioral science at the University of Chicago.
Professor Kotler's book, Marketing Management, is the world's most widely used graduate level textbook in marketing. His other textbooks include Principles of Marketing and Marketing: An Introduction and they are also widely used in the world.
Kotler developed new concepts in marketing including demarketing, megamarketing, turbomarketing and synchromarketing. He believes that marketing theory needs to go beyond price theory and incorporate the dynamics of innovation, distribution and promotion systems into analyzing, explaining and predicting economic outcomes.
Kotler has been consulted by many large companies, including IBM, Michelin, Bank of America,Merck, General Electric, Honeywell, Samsung, Coca cola, Hyundai and Motorola — in the areas of marketing strategy, planning and organization, and international marketing.
He presents seminars in major international cities and countrys around the world on the latest marketing developments to companies and other organizations.
Doctor Honoris Causa at University American College Skopje
fuente : wikipedia
1.-Lugar y fecha de nacimiento de philip kotler
Philip Kotler born 27 May 1931 in Chicago
Philip Kotler nació 27 de mayo 1931 en Chicago
2.- lugar donde recibio su titulo en maestria y doctorado..?
He received his master's degree at the University of Chicago and his PhD at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, both in economics
Recibió su maestría en la Universidad de Chicago y su doctorado en el Massachusetts Institute of Technology, en economía
3.- cuales son las grandes empresas las cuales fueron consultadas por kotler?
IBM, Michelin, Bank of America,Merck, General Electric, Honeywell, Samsung, Coca cola, Hyundai and Motorola — in the areas of marketing strategy, planning and organization, and international marketing.
4.- titulo de honor obtenido?
He received his master's degree at the University of Chicago and his PhD at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, both in economics.
Unidad IV. Patrones de Organización de un Párrafo
Seleccione un texto relacionado con su área de experticia.
•Lea el texto y extraiga las definiciones y los marcadores del discurso.
. Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia y extraiga los marcadores de discurso, diga si son de secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo.
–Marcadores de Tiempo
–Tipo de texto
–Idea general del párrafo
Business process management
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not to be confused with Business process modeling or Business process mapping.
Business process management (BPM) is a management approach focused on aligning all aspects of an organization with the wants and needs of clients. It is a holistic management approach[1] that promotes business effectiveness and efficiency while striving for innovation, flexibility, and integration with technology. Business process management attempts to improve processes continuously. It could therefore be described as a "process optimization process." It is argued that BPM enables organizations to be more efficient, more effective and more capable of change than a functionally focused, traditional hierarchical management approach. An empirical study by Kohlbacher (2009) reveals that BPM helps organizations to gain higher customer satisfaction, product quality, delivery speed and time-to-market speed.[2]
Marcadores de definición : is,It is a ,to, be described as a "process, to be
Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia y extraiga los marcadores de discurso, diga si son de secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo.
Yiye Ávila
Portalatín José Joaquín Ávila, known as Yiye Ávila (Camuy, Puerto Rico, September 12, 1925) is a former athlete, Puerto Rican Protestant evangelist and pastor Sephardic roots. His speech has been characterized in proclaiming the coming of Jesus is imminent, by which the sinner needs to be saved before it's too late. Due to the illness that was being started praying to God. It was in 1960 when he, in his statements, a personal experience with Jesus Christ and converted to the Christian faith, after several meetings with the Lord, asked for his health, pledging to live to witness the power of God. Was healed miraculously, according to his testimony. Since then committed himself to serving God. Since the beginning of his ministry, Avila has traveled the world, conducting extensive campaigns in each continent that was reached with the gospel message of Christ. For 2006, Yiye Avila, has spent nearly 50 years of his life to service to humanity work preaching the word of God. His service with the Ministry Christ comes in Camuy, Puerto Rico, where more than 120 employees and a television station called miracle chain that transmits the gospel message by satellite to more than 128 countries around the world. This service is in turn made possible through partners around the world who donate part of their money to this cause, which is what covers most technology expenditures.
Marcadores de tiempo:(Camuy, Puerto Rico, September 12, 1925,It was in 1960 when ,For 2006, Yiye Avila, has spent nearly 50 years of his lifehe
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